Wong was wrong, Constitutional framers gifted with foresigh

Jeff Brinkman

I just wanted to clarify something Sam Wong said in his column on Monday, Jan. 22. George Bush did not win the election because of the Supreme Court. Al Gore Jr. wanted recounts in the areas he won 2-1 and were controlled by Democrats. He did not want all votes counted (military ballots, for example) but wanted undervotes counted for him. How did that turn out? Bush picked up votes in Miami/Dade county!Also, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 that the recounts were illegal. The 5-4 decision was that five justices said the recounts couldn’t be fixed in a timely manner and should cease, and four justices said they might be able to be fixed.Also, with Al Gore Jr.’s baggage, he would not get much above the 49 percent (50 percent if you round up) for an approval rating than he did for a popular vote. Yes, with the votes that were counted, Gore did get more votes than Bush did. I am thankful for the foresight of our Constitutional framers, who saw the possibility of people in a few areas voting a certain way, but not reflecting the country’s will as a whole. In this election, it was mainly people in big cities who wanted access to other people’s money who voted for Al Gore Jr.

Jeff Brinkman

