Scouring the Globes in search of Oscar

Jennifer Hensley

Hollywood celebrities and movie elite, freshly recovered from the Golden Globe parties, will be heading to the Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium for the Academy’s 73rd Annual Oscar Presentation. The nominations for this year’s Oscars will be announced Feb. 13, leaving six weeks for the nominees to tremble before the Oscar presentation in March. Films expected to take home Academy Awards include “Gladiator,” “Cast Away,” “Almost Famous,” “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” and “Traffic.””There is a saying in Hollywood — ‘The Globes are pleasure, the Oscars are business,'” said Kevin Cox, entertainment editor for the Des Moines Register.This is reflected in the party atmosphere of the Golden Globes, where stars and star-makers drink and dine during the celebration. Fun and humor dominated the event this year.”I am actually the illegitimate love-child of John Ashcroft,” confessed George Clooney, who won best comedic actor for “O Brother, Where Art Thou.” The audience loved the joke that hit two birds — the U.S. Attorney General nomination and Jesse Jackson — with one stone.Director of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” Ang Lee lugged home two awards for best directing and best foreign comedy.”Usually I come here, eat a very casual, two-minute meal and watch everyone else walk off with [the awards],” said Lee.Julia Roberts was also light-hearted as she accepted her award for best actress in a drama and told the audience that her dress had broken. Luckily, a cameraman and her boyfriend, Benjamin Bratt, had come to her rescue with safety pins.Golden Globes are fine, but the Oscar statuettes are the industry’s highest award. Along with the Oscars are the serious stardom issues of money, campaigning, notoriety and careers. Yet, not everyone agrees with the importance of the award.”Everyone else in my family watches the Oscars,” said Lee Poague, professor of film history. Poague said he might check with his family as they are watching, but won’t be surprised if someone at the show has taken off their clothes and is running around on stage.”I don’t have any expectations of these awards,” he added. “In the long run of film industry, really terrible films get Oscars and really important films get ignored.”Although the Golden Globes and Oscars often have the same winners, they are chosen in different ways. Those who took home Golden Globes were chosen by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group of journalists in Hollywood covering Tinseltown for foreign publications. The Oscar winners are selected by their peers in the business, kind of like the prom queen.”They really do represent different sets of people,” Poague said. “The Golden Globes are a kind of warm up for the Oscars.”If this is true, the actors, directors, producers and writers for “Gladiator,” “Cast Away,” “Almost Famous,” “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” and “Traffic” can all clear a space next to their Golden Globe for the coveted Oscar.No one movie had a clean sweep on the Golden Globe awards, as has often been the case.”It was nice to see everyone share in the wealth,” said Cox, who predicts that the Oscar winners will also be from a variety of films. He is hoping to see “Almost Famous” and “You Can Count on Me,” his vote for best film of the year, both leave with Oscars. Wacky and entertaining take-offs of the award ceremonies have inspired some to endure painful hours of bad-movie watching, searching for the awful and pathetic. The Golden Turkey Awards are one group that satirizes the movie industry with their awards. Some of their 31 categories include Most Obnoxious Child Performer and Worst Cinematic Exploitation of a Physical Deformity.