Letter to the editor: Football team owes band nothing

Adam Dickinson

I agree with Jodi Krayenhagen’s Dec. 6 letter. The athletic department should be required to fly the entire marching band to Arizona for at least a week’s boondoggle. I am a faithful fan, been to all the games. They should fly me down there, too. My grandma watches the Cyclones. I’m sure she’d like a vacation.

I appreciate the band’s hard work during the season, but crying about the latest bowl developments isn’t helping your case. Be thankful the Athletic Department remembered you in the success of the football team! Remember that the bowl game is happening because of their incredible accomplishments, not yours. The money spent moving 262 people to Arizona is money that cannot benefit other clubs or athletic groups at Iowa State.

All the free pops and great seats you have been given at the games are thought by many as enough reward, so be thankful for what is being GIVEN to you. I bet if your parents bought you a new car, you would quickly complain about the lack of a CD changer and navigation system overlooking the nice cup holder in the back seat.

Please rethink your complaints in your letter. I know you’ve worked hard this year and feel you should be rewarded, but that’s all part of life. What the Athletic Department chooses to do with ITS money should be acceptable to you.

If you want to turn this into a competition with the cheer squad, ask the student section who they watch more during a game.

Adam Dickinson


Rochester, Minn.