Book Review: Rookie Rollins seems promising

Matthew D. Carlson

Deep in a South American jungle, an ancient secret is about to be discovered. A secret so powerful men have killed to protect it. After 500 years the secret is revealed in James Rollins’ “Excavation.”

Dr. Henry Conklin has spent his whole life as a researcher. Now at the age of sixty he is considered a relic himself. Conklin has yet to make a substantial discovery in his life.

His research has been focused on the Incas of South America. The Incas are well known for their amazing architectural abilities. However, Conklin believes much of their knowledge was stolen from another ancient tribe.

In South America, Conklin’s nephew Sam Conklin is working on proving his uncle’s theory. Sam is one of many graduate students working for his uncle. They have unearthed an Inca pyramid that may hold the answers to whether or not the Incas were responsible for these buildings. The students find a door with a foreboding warning and a mess of trouble.

During the night while the students sleep, a robbery attempt is made on the dig site. A failed attempt to stop the robbers leaves four of the students and a young boy trapped underground.

A cave-in has forced the students to make a choice: wait for rescue or find another way out. They decide to act and enter the pyramid. What awaits them is beyond all imagination.

While the students battle for survival, a strange group of monks gets involved with the dig. An amazing metal found at the dig site has piqued their interest. These monks have great power not only in South America but also through out the world. Dr. Henry Conklin is soon sought out by these men and forced to help them in their cause.

The race is on between life and death. The losers die or do they?

“Excavation” is a wonderful novel from a rookie author.

James Rollins is a newcomer to the novel scene. “Excavation” was the follow-up to his best selling novel “Subterranean.” Rollins was born in Chicago in 1961 and went on to become a veterinarian. His writing career is just beginning. Rollins’ third novel “Deep Fathom” is due out soon.

“Excavation” is one of the most exciting books to be released this year. Rollins’ knowledge of scientific data mixed with ancient legends is seamless. The worlds of fact and fiction are so closely related that the reader will be lost in the story.

Rollins’ major talent is attention to detail. The book comes alive in the reader’s mind. One of the few complaints that can be made of the book is that the story is too fantastic. Some off the events that take place are just impossible. However, Rollins does use the unknown to explain the impossible. The story is fiction, but he makes it believable.

James Rollins is definitely an author with great promise. His work is bound to become stronger and stronger as he writes more. The future is bright for this young writer.