Letter to the editor: Electoral College a wise move

Steve Borgman

Contrary to what Ed Snook suggests in his letter to the editors, we must follow the Constitution.

We have a written constitution to prevent exactly the kind of thing Mr. Snook advocates – changing the rules to suit a current majority. The electoral college was not intended to frustrate democracy but to ensure it.

If the president was elected by a simple majority of votes cast (which it appears neither Gore nor Bush received), then why would any candidate ever pay attention to rural areas? Iowa benefits by the electoral college.

The electoral college represents another carefully considered choice by the framers as one of the many checks and balances in our system of government.

And besides, you don’t change the rules of a game when it becomes apparent that another player has won, nor do we have a “do over” in presidential elections.

Mr. Gore should stop whining and concede defeat.

Steve Borgman

