Letter to the editor: What Nader wants

Matthew R. Burack

Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats can claim they have a better candidate than Ralph Nader. The Republicans (with help from Democrats) try to ignore Nader and keep him out of the public eye. The Democrats try to make you believe George W. is such a monster that civilization will come crashing down if he is elected.

Nader wants to make public elections more than corporate bidding wars. Nader wants every citizen educated, informed and out there playing an active part in their own government. Ralph Nader wants to make life better for people not just corporations.

If you know that a good smile does not make a good President and that being better than the worst choice doesn’t make you the best choice, then take a look at Votenader.org. Don’t compromise your principles to bow to scare tactics.

Ralph Nader might have little hope of winning this election, but he does have a chance to make a difference. If Ralph Nader gets 5 percent of the vote this time, then the Green party gets federal funds and a louder voice next time. When 55 percent of the population refuses to vote, things need to change. Ralph Nader is the change.

Matthew R. Burack

