Letter to the editor: Both candidates deserve victory

Jackie Gardner

Never has a presidential race been so close.

We are talking about an electorate that is basically cut right down the middle.

The way some talk, you’d think they were the ones cut down the middle. I am sad to hear that so many see this as the end of America as we know it.

Don’t get so worked up!! The Democrats have had the power of presidential veto and the tie-breaking vote in the Senate for eight years now, and they really depended on it.

Now it’s said that power may all be lost to the (eek!) Republicans, but who’s to say the Democrats are the only ones that know how to run the government?

When I hear women say, “So much for women’s rights,” I say, What? Are you mental? I know when “women’s rights” are referred to it mainly pertains to the right to abort.

Such a broad statement about Republicans, some of which are women, should not be applied to their entire roster. I am not by any means a Republican, but I do have an objective eye, and when I listen to those affiliated with or influenced by one of the major sides, it seems so all or nothing.

It is unfair to label one of the two major parties as backward-thinking, because neither of them are.

Well, if you throw Buchanan in the bunch, then you may have something.

What I really want to get across is, don’t get in a fret and pack your bags, hoppin’ on the next flight to Canada.

Whoever does win, when this historic event is all over, will have a lot to prove next January and the next four years.

He probably won’t get everything done he promised, but he will have earned the position fair and square. Whoever’s counting those votes in Florida will be sure of it.

In our country, the position of president of the United States of America immediately conjures respect. Maybe not approval, but definitely respect.

I will respect the winner as my president not because I think he’s got a great Social Security plan or can make his wife hot and bothered, but because this year, Gore and Bush fought hard.

They spent thousands of dollars for every vote earned, and as it turns out, America awaits the results of a couple thousand measly votes.

I say, may the best man win.

Jackie Gardner

