Letter to the editor: Not a world of `what ifs’

Dave Rodrian

For those that unfortunately glanced at Owen Rhoden’s brief statement on how Ralph Nader cost Al Gore the election, I would like to offer a real explanation as to why Al Gore may have lost the election.

Putting it plain and simple he did not receive the required electoral votes because he did not appeal to enough voters. You see when voters cast their ballot they are voting for more than the name on the ballot. They are voting for their own beliefs, morals and ideals.

Those who voted for Ralph Nader voted for him because they thought he was the best option on the ballot to serve the country. It is the same reason why a person would vote for George W. Bush or Al Gore.

If Al Gore had appealed to more of those who voted for Ralph Nader, he would have deserved and received their vote then. To use another candidate’s supporters, who took it upon themselves to exercise their right to vote, as a scapegoat is completely absurd.

In closing, I would like to add that if ALL of those that voted for Pat Buchanan in Iowa and Wisconsin had voted for George W. Bush, then as any mathematician can see he would have won those states. However we do not live in a world of “what ifs.”

Dave Rodrian


Mechanical Engineering