Letter to the editor: A sad day in America when Gore won’t concede

Jeff Brinkman

In a letter by Mr. Senyszyn in the Nov. 27 Daily, he talked how a mob in Miami-Dade County in Florida intimidated the canvassing board to abandon their efforts in recounting for a what, a fourth, a fifth time?

First of all, the Democratic-controlled canvassing board threw out the Republican observers/lawyers and the media in an effort to manufacture votes for Al Gore with no witnesses.

Second, how did those demonstrators differ from Jesse Jackson and his battle cry, “Stay out the Bushes.”

Oh, I remember, Jackson was protesting for the guy who LOST but was SUPPOSED to win.

It’s a sad day in America when people are too anxious to litigate in the first place, but the candidate who has documented cases of election fraud (Wisconsin and California for starters) and still lost is saying, “We need every vote to count.” He wants to sue to OVERTURN an election by manufacturing votes, changing the rules AFTER an election and disqualifying military votes.

According to an ABC News poll, the majority of the American people think the election should be over. Al Gore should concede, and Bush is president.

It is now the “Will of the People,” but because they no longer favor Gore, it counts for nothing.

Jeff Brinkman

