Letter: StuGov Director of Residency Dozmen Lee right to express opinion

Tyler Coffey/Iowa State Daily

College of Business representative Eric Schultz speaks before the assembly on Sept. 21 during the student government’s meeting.

During my time as a senator within Iowa State University Student Government, we accomplished numerous achievements that benefited the student body as a whole.

However, there were also things I left unspoken. For instance, why turnover with senators is extremely high and why the ISU Student Body often feels distant to the members who represent them.

In my opinion, Student Government does a lot of great things, but the organization is constantly in grave danger of being ran much like a business instead of a body who represents the interests of the students.

True, I have made stupid comments I regret and wrote pieces to the Daily I shouldn’t have that very easily got misrepresented, but what Dozmen Lee expressed on Snapchat was an opinion, not an impeachable offense. This opinion expressed is not new, Earth shattering, or surprising; it is how many of us, past and present, feel about Student Government.

At first, I disagreed with Lee’s opinions regarding Speaker Woodruff. However, with the recent actions following the incident calling the Senate to remove Lee, I now see it in a different light.

Rather than turn a blind-eye in the way that our nation’s forefathers wanted our government leaders to do, Woodruff has insisted upon calling for punishment of someone for speaking an opinion that did not match his.

I have no doubt if elected as Student Body President, Woodruff would fight tooth and nail on behalf of the best interest of the student body. However, these events show that Woodruff might still have growing to do and needs to grow a thicker skin. Ultimately, these events show Woodruff might be more focused on damage control and future aspirations of Iowa Governor more than serving the student body in the present day.