Letter to the editor: Thank you, Dr. Klemke

Janice Hastillo Brown

It is with great sadness that I read of Dr. Klemke’s passing. It is a shame many of today’s students did not have an opportunity to take one of his invigorating classes. I encouraged my son, now a senior at Iowa State, to attend any seminar or class Dr. Klemke offered if he wanted a valuable learning experience.

I had Dr. Klemke as my philosophy professor in the late ’70s and thoroughly enjoyed his teaching methods and his great personality. He taught us to reason, to consider all possibilities, to “cuss and discuss,” to challenge ourselves and our pre-conceptions, to evaluate and dissect any subject.

What I learned in his class has carried over throughout the years, allowing me to approach and analyze problems and questions from various aspects before making a decision.

As I type this letter, I am looking at a little plastic award I received from Dr. Klemke that I keep on top of my monitor. Called the “Theodorus Award” in honor of a student of Protagoras and tutor of Plato, it was given in recognition of my extremely quiet demeanor in class coupled with an ability to discern the answers being sought or points being made during philosophical discussions.

I have valued that tiny award over the past 20 years, because I valued Dr. Klemke’s recognition of my abilities that were often overlooked by others because I was shy and unsure of myself.

May Dr. Klemke rest in peace knowing we valued his teaching methods, his life and his friendship, as well as his way of encouraging students to value themselves and their abilities. Thank you, Dr. Klemke; you taught us a great deal.

Janice Hastillo Brown


Porterville, Calif.