New minor may give ag students advantage

Wesley Griffin

A new entrepreneurial minor for ISU agricultural students is giving them an advantage in the business world, ISU faculty said.

In order to receive the minor, students must take 15 credits starting with Management 310 and 314, said Ron Deiter, director of undergraduate advising in agricultural business. The remaining classes from approved lists are management-related classes offered by the department and through the different colleges, he said.

“I think the minor gives [agricultural] students a leg up on what it takes to start a business,” said Paula Teig, program assistant in agricultural education and agricultural studies. “It also makes students attractive to employers because of their background.”

The program was initially intended for nonbusiness majors to learn about entrepreneurship, Deiter said. It is intended to compliment the major by providing knowledge, skills and information that is needed to establish, own or help manage a business, he said.

“A lot of college graduates will be self-employed or working for businesses that have management responsibilities,” Deiter said. “The minor lets students use their electives to be productive.”

The minor introduces the concepts of finance, accounting, marketing and management to people outside the College of Business, he said. It is a minor that will give students more flexibility in a fairly practical and focused area of study. However, it is not a substitute for a business degree.

“Students seem to like the minor since the material is how-to and hands-on material as opposed to theoretical material in some place,” Deiter said. “Those who have gotten the minor feel good and are satisfied with the program. If a student is planning on owning or operating their own business, it would be helpful to have some classes that are applicable.”

Teig is working with Eric Hoiberg, associate dean for state and academic programs, to actively recruit students for the minor.

Students may contact Hoiberg or access information about the minor at