Letter to the editor: Don’t malign Iowa

Ken Scott

What an utterly disgusting display of ignorance we were provided in the letter by an elected official, Sen. David P. Miller.

Somehow, people who are elected to public office are expected to have some reasonable amount of knowledge and intelligence. It’s amazing how often that is proved not to be the case.

Miller suggests that providing fair and equal treatment “helps to erode the very culture and values upon which a solid society is established.”

What an unbelievable bunch of rubbish. Darn near slander. In fact, it is slander.

He then goes on to say that giving equal protection under the law (something promised by our nation’s Constitution) to gay Americans is a “huge mistake,” a notion he justifies by spewing typical Right-Wing rhetoric, calling homosexuality a “lifestyle,” a “choice” and “social behavior,” again accusing homosexuals of undermining the “family institution.”

Homosexuality is NOT a lifestyle, a choice or a behavior, social or otherwise. It is a state of being. Of course, conservative extremists need to maintain the mythology that America’s homosexuals are that way from their own choosing so they can place the blame on the individual for his own “condition.”

It’s very much like the old mythology that being left-handed was chosen.

Well, to the good senator I would tell you, it’s not. Look it up.

Check with the American Psychological Association, American Medical Association or any other reputable medical or scientific group in America.

You’ll find that your mythology is wrong. Stop maligning good Americans because you don’t like who they are.

And don’t malign the good folks from Iowa State for treating good Americans fairly and equitably.

Ken Scott

