Letter to the editor: What’s next, Iowa State Daily, letters from racists?
October 28, 2000
OK, you know you’re gonna get an uproar for publishing a letter like one such as Luke Roberts’.
I’m a big believer in hearing both sides of an argument, but Luke Roberts does not have a credible voice — it’s completely one-dimensional.
Luke Roberts claims that homosexuals are “demoralized” people who will be “punished.”
They are a “disgrace” to everyone around them. His hate is blatant and one-sided.
Luke could have at least given legitimate reasons for his rebukes against homosexuals.
I know gay people, and despite the fact that they’re gay, they’re just the same as straight people—just as nice, stupid, annoying, smart, etc. as the next person.
As for Luke’s remark on gay people “advertising their perverted thoughts,” what about straight people?
Speaking of advertising, how many commercials, billboards, magazines, movies, TV shows,and everything else seen by the naked eye can you count — serve for the sexual taste of straight people?
What next, Iowa State Daily? Are you gonna print a letter from a racist?
There are racists on this campus, and racism is just one step from homophobia.
Jack XiongFreshmanFine arts