Letter to the editor: Don’t get worked up about Kistenmacher

Jayson Wittrup

In response to Blaine Moyle’s letter on Oct. 19, it saddens me that Mr. Moyle, an English major of all things, would take Ms. Kistenmacher seriously.

Her columns are neither creative nor insightful. Stories regarding male/female relations are a dime a dozen and can be written by virtually anyone.

Therefore, I can’t see getting worked up over her comments, seeing as they’ve been made a hundred times.

I wouldn’t go so far as to call Kistenmacher a plagiarist, but she certainly is the next worse thing, unoriginal.

Ms. Kistenmacher has spouted her wisdom in various fluff pieces of such low quality they would have a hard time finding their way into high school newspapers. Her topics are cliched and predictable.

She’s written about college life, partying, beer, relationships and she even gave us her uncontroversial take on politics.

You can be guaranteed that she’ll soon write about “The perfect Christmas gift for that special someone” or “How to survive finals week”.

She is simply another in a long line of awful Daily columnists

Jayson WittrupSenior Electrical engineering