Parade, pep rally show ISU spirit

Katie Anderson

ISU fans can pump up their school spirit and “Cyclone Family Pride” at the parade and pep rally Friday night before the Iowa State-Texas A&M football game Saturday afternoon.

The night’s events will kick off at 5:30 p.m. with a parade from Towers to the Memorial Union. The parade will go north up Welch Avenue and end on the south side of the Campanile.

Mike Morman, general co-chair of the Homecoming Central Committee, said ISU football players, cheer squad, pom squad, Yell-Like-Hell participants and students in Design 129 will all be participating in the parade.

“Bill Boones’ [Design 129] class always makes costumes to be in the parade. This year they are being mysterious about the costumes,” he said. “It’s going to be really neat.”

Matt Rowles, Yell-Like-Hell coordinator, said all groups participating in Yell-Like-Hell can be in the parade, even those who did not move into the second round of competition.

“It’s optional, but we’d like them to all participate,” he said. “They can get dressed up in red and gold and show spirit.”

The parade will end at the Memorial Union and then lead directly into the pep rally.

Gretchen Frietsche, special events coordinator, said the pep rally will feature members of the ISU football team and coach Dan McCarney. She said the rally also will include the presentation of several awards, displays, the Blitz Build presentation for Habitat for Humanity and the final cuts for Yell-Like-Hell.

“Everybody’s been working really hard since Sept. 10, two to three hours a night, Sunday through Thursday,” Rowles said about the Yell-Like-Hell participants. “We appreciate their hard work and dedication. They have made it a great experience for myself and Homecoming Central.”

Morman said the Homecoming Central Committee is attempting to get more students and alumni involved with Homecoming activities.

“The whole thing is for Homecoming Central to try and make it more ISU involved for the entire week,” he said. “Cyclone Family Pride, pride as Cyclones to cheer on the football team and hopefully beat Texas A&M.”

Frietsche said events like the pep rally and parade are an essential part of the ISU Homecoming weekend.

“It’s important to keep as many Iowa State traditions as possible, such as school spirit and school pride to look back on as part of the Iowa State experience,” she said.