Legislator explains proposed bills to Ames PFLAG chapter
Logan Metzger/Iowa State Daily
“I continue to serve because I believe in fighting the fight,” Rep. Beth Wessel-Kroeschell said during Tuesday night’s PFLAG meeting.
February 12, 2019
Iowa Rep. Beth Wessel-Kroeshell discussed proposed legislation that could impact the LGBTQIA+ community at a Parents, Family and Friends of the LGBTQIA+ Community, PLFAG, meeting Tuesday.
Wessel-Kroeshell, D-Ames, has a history of working with the LGBTQIA+ community to include legislation into the Iowa Code, including floor managing a bill in the early 2000s.
“I continue to serve because I believe in fighting the fight,” Wessel-Kroeschell said.
During the meeting, Wessel-Kroeshell discussed a bill she supports to ban conversion therapy, which is being headed by both a Republican and Democrat.
“It takes such young people and does horrible things to them,” Wessel-Kroeshell said.
Wessel-Kroeshell said she had previously tried to pass a bill banning conversion therapy, but it went nowhere.
Another proposed bill Wessel-Kroeshell talked about included affirmative consent and defining it. Affirmative consent can be recognized as a knowing, voluntary and mutual decision to engage in sexual activities.
Wessel-Kroeshell said that she thought it was important for “the LGBTQIA+ community and everyone.”
A bill concerning “trans panic defense” has also been proposed.
“The ‘gay and trans panic’ defense is a legal strategy which asks a jury to find that a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity is to blame for the defendant’s violent reaction, including murder,” according to The LGBT Bar website.
In 1998, Matthew Shepard, a 21-year-old college student, was beaten to death by two men. Matthew Shepard. The men attempted to use the “gay panic defense” to excuse their actions, according to The LGBT Bar website.
Wessel-Kroeshell said this bill would ensure that the use of trans or gay panic defense would not be credible in court.
Other proposed bills brought up by Wessel-Kroeshell included a bill addressing whether non-medically-necessary gender change operations should be covered by Medicare, as well as a bill to require LGBTQIA+ inclusive language in sex education courses for K-12.
Wessel-Kroeshell said she feels the inclusive language would be “a good idea.”
Wessel-Kroeshell also addressed a controversial bill brought forward by Chuck Hurley, vice president of The Family Leader, to readdress how Iowa Supreme Court judges are appointed.
None of the proposed bills that Wessel-Kroeshell talked about with PFLAG members have been filed yet.