Letter to the editor: This is why Quick Es were `discontinued’

Chad Harbour

Just so we know where we stand, I have hardly looked over the Daily since you went and ruined it by discontinuing the Quick Es. Some articles during the last few weeks rather annoyed me and I couldn’t help but notice, so I decided to reply in true Quick E form. I will agree with the Daily that 75 percent of the time when they are accused of greek bashing I don’t fully see it as that. However, how about for the next poison ink “Let’s have a cartoon of the Daily doing a keg stand, since Greg Jerrett does it, everyone else must do it, too.” Speaking of Greg Jerrett, “Didn’t the Pi Kaps sign you to a seven year contract stating you wouldn’t let people know you used to be a member. That’s breach, man.” I am trying to think of the last time I saw an article that someone from the dorms did something wrong and part of the article went along the lines of, “It was Joe Smith third floor Wallace, also known as the Meadow Lark Floor. The Daily has not yet gotten a statement from the R.A. or any other members of the Meadow Lark Floor.” I say again that I agree the Daily has been wrongfully accused of Greek bashing several times but there are times when you tend to implicate an entire house instead of one person. I do not go through the trash of the other members of my house nor do I go sticking my nose in their room without permission. Three-fourths of the guys in my house could have stolen the head off the statues without me having a clue. I hope the point of this article is clear, “Make the Daily worthwhile again, return to us our Quick Es.” Why bother with a big article when a well done one or two liner can say it all! For anyone who found something wrong with my spelling or word structure, “Look at my major, do you think I care about that there English stuff?” Chad Harbour


Mechanical engineering


Kappa Sigma