Letter to the editor: Violent mobs don’t want peace

Alan Crim

On Oct 12, three Israeli soldiers found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. They sought protection in a Palestinian police station, but an angry mob of over 1,000 Palestinians broke in and brutally murdered these three men.

After they mangled the soldier’s bodies beyond recognition, they carried them over their heads in triumph.

In his column on Oct 13, Greg Jerrett basically said the Israelis had it coming. “With friends like Israel, who needs Nazis?” This kind of ignorant rhetoric would almost be comical if it weren’t so sad.

Greg Jerrett has no idea what is going on in the Middle East. Israel is surrounded by nations that hate the Jews. These are not innocent protesters at peaceful demonstrations. This is not like a student protest on central campus. These are Arabs who want the Israelis dead.

The Palestinians are the aggressors. The Jews are not parading around the streets with mutilated corpses over their heads. The Palestinians are not just a bunch of harmless rock- throwers. The Israeli police and military are trying to maintain peace and order.

No nation is going to let mob violence overtake their land. The Palestinians have declared war on Israel. Jewish families living in the West Bank are afraid for their lives. I could say more, but I don’t think I need to.

Greg Jerrett’s ignorance speaks for itself: “Maybe when Israelis are fighting rocks with rocks, peace will suddenly seem like a good idea to them.” Maybe Greg Jerrett should have considered the idea that violent mobs hoisting dead bodies over their heads don’t want peace.

Alan Crim


Computer science