GSB to debate smoking ban

Steven Brittain

The Government of the Student Body addressed the Ames smoking ban by introducing two resolutions, one pro-ban and one anti-ban, to the senate on Wednesday evening.

Phillip Burgmeier, off campus, authored a senate resolution to oppose the smoking ban that is currently under debate in the Ames City Council for all Ames restaurants. This resolution claims that the ban is an “unwelcome and unnecessary intrusion of the city council into the private affairs of restaurant owners and patrons.”

Burgmeier said the ban infringes on the personal beliefs of both the restaurant customer and owners.

“It’s [the customers’] choice on whether or not they want to inhale smoke,” Burgmeier said. “They can make the decision for themselves. It’s not the place of the city council to make these types of decisions.”

Going into the meeting, Burgmeier’s resolution was the only one dealing with the issue of the smoking ban. Michael Schaefer, junior in construction engineering, introduced a counter-resolution that fully supports the ban.

Schaefer said he favors the ban because there should not be an issue with inconveniencing one group that poses a direct health threat to another group. He also said the monetary intake of restaurants won’t be affected.

“This ban will have no effect on the economic profitability of the restaurants because it’s a uniform ban that the entire city of Ames has to conform to,” he said.

The senate will vote on which resolution that they want to represent ISU students at the next senate meeting Oct. 11, and it will be sent to the Ames City Council. Alex Rodeck, off campus, reminded the senate to get student input on the resolutions.

“Make sure that you represent your constituents and that you don’t involve your own personal beliefs in your decisions,” he said. “We need to make this the university’s choice, not our own biases coming into play.”

The smoking ban will be on the Ames City Council agenda for the Oct. 10 meeting, and it should be put to vote on Oct. 24.