Free food and activism

Editorial Board

Imagine someone wanted to charge you $300 more for the same service offered the year before.

How about $900 because you were out-of-state?

That is about how much tuition will increase for the 2001-2002 school year if the Iowa Board of Regents vote to approve a 9.9 percent increase at Iowa State.

Fortunately for ISU students, the regents are meeting at Iowa State this month, and it’s a perfect opportunity for students to let the board know directly what students think of the increase.

Regardless of your take on the increase, show up at the meeting and let the regents know that it’s more than a few people making a lot of noise.

The student governments from Iowa State and the University of Northern Iowa will be giving presentations to the board opposing the percentage, but the impact of students themselves showing up is invaluable in showing the regents that students care about the future of their educations.

There’s no excuse not to stop in at the meeting – it’s right on campus in the Memorial Union. Stop by even if it’s only for 30 minutes.

A constant crowd of students will add strength to the argument of a handful of Government of the Student Body representatives.

Not to mention there is free food at the meeting.

The regents are going to vote about tuition increases between 9 a.m. and noon Thursday in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

They also are meeting 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday.

Do yourself and the rest of the students on campus a favor and go to the meeting.

Editorial Board: Carrie Tett, Greg Jerrett, Katie Goldsmith, Amie Van Overmeer, Andrea Hauser and Jocelyn Marcus