Letter to the editor: Tuition rises … again

Tim Shanks

It’s weird how the Board of Regents think the tuition has to be increased every semester or every year. If tuition is raised, are we going to get a better education? I’m an out-of-state student paying $402 per credit hour. I have an HDFS 283 class that has missed the last seven periods.

The average three-credit class costs $25.13 per class period. I should be getting a refund of $175.91 for the last seven classes missed by the teacher.

Normally, I’m not one to complain about class being cancelled, but this is ridiculous. With the 9.9 percent increase in tuition, that will cost out-of-state students $442 per credit or $5304 to be a full-time student.

If the regents want to raise tuition, and the administration thinks it will fix problems here at Iowa State, then I suggest getting rid of the instructors that are not healthy enough to teach classes full-time.

Tim ShanksSeniorAgricultural systems technology