Adviser awarded for excellence

Katie Anderson

An ISU faculty member is giving award-winning advice to ISU students.

Jane Jacobson, academic adviser for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has won the National Academic Advising Association Advising Award.

Jacobson received the award during the NACADA conference, which was held Oct. 5 through Oct. 8.

Mary Ellen Wishart, academic adviser in health and human performance, was one of the people who nominated Jacobson.

With the help of Beverly Madden, director of Career Planning, Wishart put together a packet on why Jacobson deserved to be the recipient of the national award.

“She has, I think, taken a leadership role at Iowa State more than other advisers,” Wishart said.

Wishart said Jacobson, who was one of the founders of the four-year contract idea for faculty members, has trained advisers to work in smaller areas and has a strong role in NACADA.

“No one else at Iowa State has the same resources she does,” she said.

Iowa State has had a reputation as an institution with good advising, but awards make people more conscious of the program, Wishart said. People know which schools are leaders in advising, and this attracts both other advisers and new students.

Jacobson said she believes the award reflects well on the value that Iowa State places on academic advising.

“I believe academic advising is one of the most important aspects of a student’s academic career,” she said. “An adviser should connect to students at the university and help prospective students make a smooth transition to Iowa State.”

In addition to advising undecided students in the LAS college, Jacobson said she also helps coordinate orientation and is a part of the Learning Community programs.

“Advising is more teaching and mentoring than looking at schedules,” she said. “Sometimes you have to push a little to make students achieve things you know they could do.”

Wishart said Jacobson is very qualified to receive this award.

“She is kind and patient, meeting with individuals all the time, and always very approachable,” she said.