Letter to the editor: Bush not nearly so horrible as Daily says

Brad Hautekeete

I was disappointed by the editorial board’s article endorsing Al Gore for the presidency. I was not disappointed by their choice, while I disagree with them, everyone is entitled to their opinion.ÿ

I was disappointed with their inability to research basic facts. Mr. Bush was elected the governor of the state of Texas in 1994, not 1996, and was re-elected in 1998 with nearly 70 percent of the vote.

He is serving his sixth year as governor, not his fourth. It makes me wonder if they looked at the facts and based their decision on those, or if instead they decided who they would recommend based on other factors and then searched for information that would support their decision.

If so, it is their responsibility to present that decision-making process to their readers, and at the very least they are responsible for correcting their factual errors.

Brad HautekeeteJuniorCivil engineering