Letter to the editor: Nazi upset me
October 31, 2000
Last Friday, the Daily posted a letter in the opinions section written by a gentlemen who claims to be a National Socialist. The National Socialist Party led the world into one of its darkest times when over 30 million people were killed directly or indirectly by them. I of course, speak of World War II and the Holocaust. Why anyone would want to be affiliated to such an organization is beyond comprehension to me.
The article written by this “Nazi” last Friday deeply upset me. He was discussing homosexuality in his letter and several times announced that homosexuals would be “punished” for their beliefs. I believe I have heard similar words to this in some old movies I have seen from the ’30s. Words like this came from a man named Adolf Hitler who believed the Jews should be “punished” for their beliefs. He ended up “punishing” around 20 million Jews and other people he thought to be undesirable by brutally murdering them.
I truly hope that people don’t actually believe in National Socialism. It is a disease on the land and was nearly wiped out at the end of World War II. It has been growing back though, like an infection that seems to be in recession, but then comes back even harder than before.ΓΏ
I would like to end with a quote from Abraham Lincoln that states my position quite well “I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other man’s rights.”
Chad Hayward