GSB issues subpoena for hockey books

Wendy Weiskircher

The Government of the Student Body finance committee issued a subpoena to the ISU men’s hockey team as a formal request for information about the team’s financial situation. At the end of August, GSB finance committee personnel asked for copies of the team’s past and present financial records. Because the team’s financial difficulties have spanned the last few years, the committee wanted to make an informed judgment on the extent of GSB’s role in helping the team pay off its debt. The team complied with the committee’s initial request, said Alex Olson, vice chairman of the finance committee. The committee now has made a formal request for additional information to clarify certain line items on the team’s budget to be delivered to the GSB office by Sept. 25. GSB Finance Director Steve Medanic said he does not anticipate a problem with the subpoena. “We’ve received some of their budgets and statements, but we don’t understand the specific line items,” Medanic said. “This request should be honored. I believe the hockey team is working with us in good faith.” Mike Owen, faculty adviser for the hockey team, said the subpoena rose from a downfall in communication. “I was unaware of the request at the time,” said Owen, professor of agronomy. “Essentially, as far as I can tell, they just want to know where we are at and have some satisfaction that the club is fiscally responsible and organized.” At the time GSB made the second request for information, the club’s books were still being compared with those kept by Campus Organizations, Owen said. When the team’s records were submitted at the end of the 1999-2000 fiscal year this summer, there was a discrepancy of about $10,000 between the two sets of books, Olson said. An income amount of $95 was incorrectly calculated as $9,500 in the hockey team’s records, he said. Now that the books are reconciled, the hockey team is working on a budget plan with the Dean of Students Office to stabilize the team’s finances. “We’ve got a plan. We just need to round out a number of the details,” Owen said. Olson said the additional information requested would enable GSB to further help the hockey team. “We just need the information,” he said. “Frankly, we don’t know where they’re at, and we would like to.” There are many avenues GSB can take if the additional information is not delivered by Monday, Olson said, but he does not think it will become an issue. “We can take it to the senate and have them deal with it, and we can go lots of different avenues with the university, but we don’t expect that to happen,” he said. “They will not receive their regular allocation from us until we really figure out this whole deal.” The team’s income statement for the 1999-2000 fiscal year showed an income of $155,224, including a $16,020 allocation from GSB and more than $70,000 in fund-raising income. The team’s expenses totaled $227,193, resulting in a loss of $71,969. The team’s budget for this fiscal year has a projected income of $203,372, including more than $16,000 from GSB and additional money from ticket sales, dues and other fund raising. Total expenses are expected to be $202,759. The hockey players have been stepping up their fund-raising efforts to bring their team out of the red. The team has been selling season tickets, and each player must contribute at least $1,000 to the fund-raising campaign, said Glenn Detulleo, president of the ISU men’s hockey team. “I think we’re taking the right steps,” said Detulleo, senior in exercise and sport science. “For the most part, the players are really positive. Everyone’s been working a little harder this year.”