Letter to the editor

Eric Fronczek

Is anyone else tired of reading about this endless debate on whether god exists or doesn’t exist? The endless battle about which religion is the TRUE religion? Or the endless babble of some person who thinks they’re right and the rest of the world is damned to hell? Well I know I am tired of hearing about this subject. For the past three years I have heard this debate come up time and time again, with no end or resolution in site. Not until recently have I paid any attention to this topic. But after being told that I’m basically going to hell, I couldn’t sit by silently any longer. I was born a Roman Catholic and raised to believe the Christian belief system. Once I was old enough to make my own decisions and choices I realized these were not my beliefs and they had been forced upon me. I can not place my “faith” in some foolish belief of eternal bliss when I die, and that I will be in the presence of the almighty God. Quite frankly I do not believe in God or that he created me. I don’t know about you, Mr. Merrick, but I was created the old fashion way: my parents had sex. I am also not an “Evil Human.” You must have really led a miserable life so far to think that we are all evil. Also, Satan did not trick “us,” or at least he did not trick me. I for one have never met Satan, so I’m not sure how he could have tricked all of us. I am not totally ignorant to a belief system though. I for one believe as long as you believe in something and hold those beliefs to be true to “yourself,” that is all that is needed. I respect that you believe in something, but in NO WAY does what you believe in weigh anymore than what I believe in. Just because you say so and the Bible says so (which might I remind you was written by MAN) does not make it “truth.” How would you like it if I said the only people that will have eternal happiness after death are those who do not believe in the Christian God. That wouldn’t make you a very happy person now would it? How do you think everyone else feels after you tell them what they believe in is crap just because they don’t believe what you do? Would it kill you to just keep your mouth shut, your only human yourself. Evil and flawed just as you said we all are. Could it be that you might be wrong, or is it that you finally realized that human life is short and insignificant when looked at the big picture of the Earth’s history? This is just your attempt not to feel so small and give you some type of hope that there is something after death instead of just ceasing to exist. Eric Fronczek


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