Read MY lips…

Editorial Board

Last weekend, presidential nominee George W. Bush stuck his foot in his mouth . again. Bush referred to Adam Clymer, a political reporter for the New York Times as a “major league asshole.” This statement not only casts doubt on Bush’s character, it’s just plain dumb. Bush’s campaign is based on compassionate conservatism, but his remark was neither compassionate nor conservative. This presidential campaign has been largely based on the character of each candidate. As Bush attempts to paint Gore as a chameleon, we must wonder if this “compassionate conservative” really is what he says he is. Such a remark seems hypocritical from a man who promotes his Christian faith and promises to return moral character to the White House. Whether the issue is sex or backstabbing remarks, each reflects a character flaw. By making remarks such as this, Bush has proven that he is no different from those he tries to disparage. Some have argued that this was an offhand remark and, as such, is not reflective of Bush’s character. There is a time and a place for such remarks, and a press conference with a microphone a foot away is neither the time nor the place. Such a remark made in a candidate’s home is not an issue, but a presidential candidate should be smarter than to insult a prominent reporter from a nationally respected newspaper in a public place. If Bush can’t control himself now, during the campaign, what will happen if he is elected president, has real power and can offend another political leader? This was a stupid move on Bush’s part . too stupid. Editorial Board:Carrie Tett, Greg Jerrett, Katie Goldsmith, Amie Van Overmeer and Andrea Hauser