Letter to the editor: School doesn’t come easy to all of us so learn English

Mindy Staner

As I walked into my math recitation class for the first time this year, I was hoping to find a professor who could really help me to better understand math. At first, it looked promising, but then he opened his mouth. That was when all of my faith in this school went down the drain. Nobody in my class could understand a single word the guy said and even worse, he couldn’t understand us either. How in the heck does a school that is raising tuition every year get by with hiring people like this for their students? I am just wondering what the qualifications are to teach here. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a racist person whatsoever, but it frustrates me greatly to know that I am having trouble in a class due to my professor not being able to speak English. School doesn’t come easy to everyone. I guess I thought that was why the professors were here for us. vWhat exactly is supposed to be our incentive to go to class when we can’t even understand our professor? My opinion about this could basically be summed up in three words: LEARN SOME ENGLISH! I don’t have time to take a foreign language course. Mindy Staner


Elementary education