Letter to the editor: Paluch offensive

Elizabeth Higgenbottom

I realize that Tim Paluch was being sarcastic and was attempting humor in his editorial Sept. 27. He did an excellent job pointing out flaws in American society. As he was presented what he considered the faults of America, he basically put Canadians down. Being a citizen of Canada and a resident of the United States, I was offended. Ethnocentrism is definitely a large part of American culture today. Every child born in the United States is taught to believe that their country is the best. So when this report came out and the United States did not finish first as “the best country to live in,” what would any self respecting American do? Insult the people considered the “winner.” The reputation of the United States in other countries isn’t a good one. Americans are dubbed selfish, arrogant and just plain rude. I am proud to be Canadian. I may be a little too nice, and I might talk a little differently, but at least I know how to respect all nationalities. Aren’t you proud, Mr. Paluch, that you lived up to your country’s reputation? Elizabeth Higginbottom

