Recital Series kicks off Saturday

Jon Dahlager

A large part of the responsibility of a professor is research. Material engineering professors have polymers to play with, and chemical engineering instructors get to develop new biotechnology. But what do professors in the music department do for research? “Whereas scientists go in the lab and do their experiments, our research for performers is performing,” said Sue Haug, Music department head. “So, it’s one of the things that we do and are expected to do as musicians at an institution like this.” In order to start this year’s research, the 2000-2001 Faculty Recital Series begins with a concert in the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. The first performance will feature Haug, a pianist, and George Work, fellow music professor and cellist, playing selections by Bach and Shostakovich. However, they and other faculty musicians throughout the year are not playing only as a form of research. “An extra incentive for us is a chance to perform for our students, because our students learn not just by what we say, but by what we do,” Haug said. The Faculty Recital Series has its origin in the early days of Iowa State – there have been recitals for as long as there have been faculty at the university. “Originally, there wasn’t a music program that offered degrees, but there were guest artists and there were artists in residence who were at Iowa State who gave lessons,” Haug said. “Those people performed always.” Haug and Work are not the only professors who will be performing throughout the year. New to the recital series this year are the wind and percussion chamber ensemble recitals. There are four performances scheduled for this school year. “We’re hoping to give people a variety of music that we haven’t been able to give them in the past,” said Joe Messenger, music professor. The first of these performances will be Sept. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, featuring clarinetist Messenger with percussionist Elizabeth Sadilek and a flute, oboe and piano trio. Recitals are not limited to the traditional instruments, however. Another part of the series is the Carillon Festival. This runs from Sept. 22-24, and features music being played on the Stanton Memorial Carillon contained in the Campanile. Assistant music professor Tin-shi Tam will be performing Sept. 22 at 5 p.m. as part of both the Faculty Recital Series and the Carillon Festival – a musical weekend that has been coordinated with the Celebrate America concert that features both choral and instrumental groups. Tin-shi is the faculty member who plays the Campanile music at noon nearly every day. “I know sometimes students will miss out during the noon hour because of classes or other engagements,” Tin-shi said. “We would just like to do some concert beyond the noon hour regular concerts so the community would be able to come in and enjoy the music.” All of the faculty musicians would like anyone who is interested in high-quality classical music to come enjoy the free concerts. “This is what we do, this is our life,” Haug said. “I perform because it’s what I’m trained to do and because it’s what I love to do. This is great fun for most of us.”