We can be heroes

Editorial Board

An ISU student showed truly heroic spirit this summer. Brandon Koch, sophomore in construction engineering, saved the life of a young man who was being attacked in an Iowa City parking garage in August. He was stabbed himself and may be without feeling in his left hand for two years. Today, women are often instructed to yell “fire” instead of “rape” when they are being sexually assaulted because they are more likely to get help. In a society where people are increasingly apathetic to others in need, it is refreshing to hear of someone who helped others even though he is now suffering the consequences. Koch could have easily ignored the screams for help that night. He could have dismissed them as simply kids who were fooling around and could have saved himself a great amount of suffering. But, he didn’t do that. After hearing the yells, Koch had “a chilling instinct to go and help them.” He ran to their aid and helped avert a potentially tragic situation. Had Koch not gone to the teenagers’ aid, one or more people may have died that night. His selfless act has not gone unnoticed. We commend Mr. Koch for his bravery and the concern he showed that night for his fellow human beings. Perhaps this is evidence that heroes do still exist. We have only forgotten them. Maybe we can all be heroes and give Brandon Koch a hand in the next two years of his physical therapy. We all owe you a word of thanks for reminding us what it is like to be selfless. Get well, Brandon. Editorial Board: Carrie Tett, Greg Jerrett, Katie Goldsmith, Amie Van Overmeer and Andrea Hauser