Supreme Court rules

Tim Kelly

It is unconscionable that homosexual invectives and threats have effectively shut down most attempts to address the cultural implications of the homosexual agenda. It should be a matter of serious concern that so many politicians, journalists, scientists, teachers and clergy advance the homosexual agenda.

Liberals are spearheading a version of McCarthyism. Rarely has there been such successful suppression of truth and blatant character assassination. Thankfully, the high court found the Boy Scouts of America may determine who may serve as Scout leaders.

This victory is important for all private religious organizations because the court held that forcing them to hire homosexuals would violate their First Amendment rights.

The court held that the Boy Scouts had a First Amendment right of expressive association and that forced membership by the courts is unconstitutional.

The state’s interest in protecting the right of people to engage in homosexual behavior does not justify an intrusion into the rights of the Boy Scouts to freedom of expressive association.

That ruling will have a dramatic impact on other lower court and legislative decisions that similarly intend to reach far into preventing organizations from establishing non-politically correct guidelines and procedures.

“The breadth of this ruling poses a direct threat against similar overly-broad statutes recently enacted by the California legislature which also imposes a substantial burden on the expressive association rights of for-profit and nonprofit private organizations and business,” said Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute.

Tim Kelly

