Whiny hypocrite

Lillian Erdahl

In response to Seamus Murphy’s sophomoric attack on “liberals:” Without defining a liberal, his letter attacks “all liberals” for the actions of Martin Jischke and Rosie O’Donnell, whom he claims are both liberals and hypocrites.

His assertions that Jischke and O’Donnell are supported by all of these “liberals,” with few concrete complaints against them, are amusing and hypocritical. If “liberals” should not judge people on the basis of “race, gender, sexual orientation and nationality” then Murphy should not judge on the basis of liberalism since the word itself only means accepting, open-minded or progressive.

I caution Murphy to take more care when he writes. He is not respectful, nor does his writing make any point other than he is a whiny hypocrite with a narrow view and an arbitrary classification of a group of people.

Murphy should review the statements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so he can avoid embarrassing himself in the future. Dr. King wanted people to put aside labels and unite for freedom.

In addition to a review of Dr. King, Mr. Murphy could benefit from a writing class. His letter is effete and disjointed. Its intent appears to be to discount Jischke and all liberals, but it succeeds only in discounting Murphy and expressing his bitterness at what he must perceive as an injustice against him.

I leave you and Murphy with the words of a more cautious speaker, and certainly a better authority than myself, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred … We will be able to transform the jangling discord of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.”

Lillian Erdahl

