Amesfa offers home for science-fiction, fantasy fans

Ustin Kendall

Sorcerers, dragons, assassins and other assorted characters take center stage in Iowa State’s Ames Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (Amesfa).

Amesfa is active all summer long, and members welcome anyone with an interest in science fiction, fantasy, role playing and other related subjects.

“It is designed to allow people with a common interest in science fiction, fantasy and that type of thing to get together,” said Brian Woerth, an ISU graduate in psychology.

“[In] this college atmosphere, it is hard to locate people with your common interest. It’s just a draw to bring them together.”

During the summer and when classes are not in session, Amesfa meets at DaVinci’s Italian Sidewalk Caffe, 2514 Chamberlain St. However, during the fall and spring semesters, the group meets on Monday in Room 50 of Carver Hall.

Meetings officially begin at 6:30 p.m. and last about a half hour, but activities continue late into the night.

At the meetings, people play games and discuss science fiction and fantasy-related topics.

“You don’t have to be a gamer to show up,” said Owen Rhoden, former president and five-year member of the club. “Anyone can show up.”

The group wants to show science-fiction flicks and anime once again next fall.

“Hopefully, we’ll start showing movies again this fall,” said Rhoden, senior in computer science. “Typically, what we do is show a ‘Star Wars’ type of science-fiction movie and then an anime type and alternate between that.”

Rhoden and Woerth estimated that the association currently has between 30 and 40 members.

The association also hosts Cy-Con, an annual gaming convention held in the Memorial Union.

The weekend-long event features role-playing games, board games, card games, special guests, movies, anime and demonstrations of new games that have yet to be released, said Cy-Con coordinator Woerth.

“It’s basically a weekend, going from 8 a.m. to midnight, of just a whole bunch of games,” he said. “People just come to have a lot of fun and meet new people.”

Cy-Con was Rhoden’s brainchild, and the annual event just completed its fourth year in March.

“We get around 200-300 people that show up,” Woerth said “It’s nice, but it’s still pretty small. We’ll be definitely expanding, hopefully attracting more and more people.”

Rhoden said people from every state surrounding Iowa have attended past Cy-Con events. “A lot of them return to Cy-Con each year,” he added.

Woerth works year round to book guests and garner support from gaming companies and local sponsors. So far, Mayhem, PC Dungeon and Firehouse Books have each lent their support to Cy Con.

Amesfa was founded in 1980 by Steve Tait, an ISU graduate with a degree in electrical engineering. Tait placed an ad in the personals seeking those who shared his love of science fiction and fantasy.

Bill Gerber responded to Tait’s ad, becoming one of the first members of the association. Gerber was elated to find others who shared his interest in the science-fiction genre.

“I finally had some of my kind here,” said Gerber, an ISU graduate in English. “I’d been a science-fiction fan as long as I could read.”

Amesfa charges membership dues to those who want to become a part of the group. One-year dues cost $10, and members receive a discount to attend Cy-Con.

The money collected from membership dues is used to help fund Cy-Con.

“If you love science fiction or fantasy or gaming or anything like that, it’s a great club,” Woerth said. “I’ve met a lot of good people and have a lot of new friends because of it, and I think that’s the best part of it for me.”