Business leaders to network at ISU in conference

Tara Payne

Iowa State will showcase its technologies to representatives from state businesses as part of a two-day conference that kicks off today.

Technology Outreach 2000 gives business leaders the opportunity to network and discuss problems in technology and how to solve them, said Ted Okiishi, associate dean of the College of Engineering and conference organizer.

“[The conference] will help us better connect with Iowa industry and help them with their research and technology needs.

“The main idea is students and faculty have worked on research projects. Those projects have lead to exciting technologies,” Okiishi said. “We want to let businesses in Iowa know what these technologies are to improve their businesses.”

Knowing about advanced technologies and how to implement them will help Iowa businesses become more competitive, Okiishi said.

At the conference, attendants learn about these techniques through successful case studies from other Iowa businesses, he said.

Steve Karsjen, manager of public affairs at the Institute for Physical Research and Technology (IPRT) and the Ames Laboratory, said the case studies are a major aspect of the conference.

“Through case studies, they’ll get a firsthand account from businesses who have used the technical services at Iowa State,” Karsjen said.

The conference will start with a keynote address from State of Iowa Technology Adviser Robert Tibor.

Tibor will give a speech titled, “Technology … The Key to Iowa’s Future and Our Success.”

“He’s going to give firsthand insights about how to create business development in areas such as biotechnology, value-added agriculture, advanced manufacturing and information technology,” Karsjen said.

On Friday, representatives will visit ISU centers and laboratories, including the Biomass Energy CONversion Facility in Nevada, the ISU Research Park and the Virtual Reality Applications Center.