Say your prayers

Kevin Siepel

There are some misconceptions about separation of church and state and the issue of evolution as a theory or a fact. The Founding Fathers desired a nation free of a government instituted religion, not a government that was free from religion and religious gatherings.

This is evidenced by the many prayers said by the Founding Fathers during the ratification of the Constitution and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. Many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were either pastors of a church or elders and deacons in their respective churches.

Thomas Jefferson, while responsible for the public education in the District of Columbia, mandated the Bible be used as a textbook. The Bible has its place among the great foundational frameworks of law used to make up our Constitution and civil liberties. To throw out the Bible because of “separation of church and state” is to throw out the baby with the bath water. Even Jefferson, who created the issue, would agree with that.

Regarding evolution, it is taught as fact. Evolution is still a theory by any scientific definition. If evolution is still a theory, there must be other theories to be considered if true scientific practice is to be taught to our children. Also, articles reporting the Texas case do not give enough information to know if it should have received this ruling.

I was disturbed that the chief justice of the Supreme Court stated in the minority opinion that the ruling “bristles with hostility to all things religious in public life.”

There is “separation of church and state” and there is “separation of church from state.” The two are not the same. What path are we headed down?

Kevin Siepel, Alumnus
