True irony

Seamus Murphy

The people are listening. We are listening to the flapping of the self- righteous cloth Martin Jischke has draped himself in as he heads for the exit.

Another effete liberal was exposed as a hypocrite and a fraud, Rosie O’Donnell. She and Mr. Jischke, like most liberals, want to tell us how to live while they do the very thing that we, the great unwashed, are not to do because we might hurt ourselves.

Apparently, we are not worthy of the liberty. Liberals, Rosie and now Jischke, know what is best for the little people. Like all liberals, the three of you believe that the government will take care of “us” by taking more of our money. You spend that money how you think best to mold society to your vision of what is correct.

If you had taken the time to listen to Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, he talked about people being judged on the content of their character, not on their “race, gender, sexual orientation and nationality.” How about just recruiting good people irrespective of the approved orientations of Jischke and all of his liberal supporters?

The true irony is that he says it as he is leaving the state for a higher paying job! He is doing what he doesn’t want young people to do. Rosie O’Donnell paid for a carry permit for her armed bodyguard to protect her family. She did this while leading the Million Mom March against us having guns to protect our families. All of you liberals supported her!

So once again, you want to tell us how we should live while you do the very things we are not supposed to?

Goodbye, Mr. Jischke. Go raise taxes in Indiana and tell the Hoosiers how to live.

Jischke’s words are without meaning because he didn’t weigh in when he had something to lose.

Seamus Murphy

