Sweeping generalizations

Mark Bialota

Congratulations to Curtis Carver! In trying to show the sweeping generalizations that Mr. Woell made, you managed to make just as many yourself. You deem a cartoon illustrating the irony of a racist black woman (Tarsha Claiborne) as “ridiculous.” Yet, you label Mr Woell the “Grand Wizard” in the same sentence. You went on to say, and I quote, “Everywhere the white man goes, he brings hypocrisy and turmoil.” Where did you get the statistics for that one pal? Next you cited many hate crimes against blacks, conveniently forgetting the recent racially-motivated killing spree of a black man. You alluded that these hate crimes against blacks were some sort of justification for the U of I bomb threat. “Don’t think that one mistake by a black woman excuses YOU for 400-plus years of tyranny and injustice.” What’s that all about?

Did Aaron Woell ever do anything to YOU? I think not, so why are you blaming him and every other white person? Aaron Woell was not even alive during the lynchings, and slavery period, but that didn’t stop you from blaming him for 400-plus years of tyranny, did it?

Could it be you yourself are a racist who preaches hate, not equality? You present a double-standard. You can’t have it both ways.

Mark Bialota

Graduate student

English and political science