Gun owners in denial of one basic fact

Ron Lowe

There are 80 million good, law-abiding gun owners who don’t seem to get it.

They are in denial of a very real segment of society: Racists, sociopaths and lunatics have the same access to guns as they do.

With guns in hand, these people can wreak havoc on society.

NRA’s solution: Harsher sentences for felons after they have carried out their murderous rampages.

The real question is how to keep guns out of the hands of an unbalanced segment of society, and who are the members of this society? There lies the crux.

There is no way of knowing who these people are before they act. This leads to the increasing call for sensible and thorough gun control.

The alternative is to watch80 people, including about a dozen children, continue to die each day from gun violence.

Ron Lowe


Nevada City, Calif.