Godar’s last blow a low one

Ben Vance

On May 1, Ben Godar used precious space in his last column to “flip some foo” at the ISU Objectivists. Apparently he got in a fight with one of our members. What would possess Mr. Godar to do this in the last column of his college career?

Perhaps he got his feelings hurt because he wasn’t able to provide as sound an argument as his opponent. Perhaps he was unwilling to listen to different ideas when he couldn’t “win” the argument. Whatever happened between him and the objectivist, Mr. Godar sank to a new low calling the ideas of Ayn Rand feces. (” … if it looks like feces, and it smells like feces, it’s probably Ayn Rand.”)

Mr. Godar is very hostile to these ideas. It seems clear he is threatened by them. So much so that he takes time out of his last column, just before break when dialogue will not continue normally, just to put “feces” and “Ayn Rand” in the same sentence.

His purpose is to evoke negative associations with her ideas so the unfamiliar will be predisposed to dislike or avoid her work. That’s one grand, royal cheap shot.

It’s no wonder Mr. Godar finds Rand’s philosophy threatening. Objectivism advocates integrity and responsibility.

I have no problem with Mr. Godar saying what he wants. Free speech includes pointless speech. Make up your own mind. If you are interested in the ideas that sparked Mr. Godar’s hostile attitude while earning my respect and defense, I encourage you to find out more.

Pick up any of Rand’s books, check out the ISU Objectivists this fall or visit www.aynrand.org.

Whether you agree or disagree, it will certainly get you thinking.

Ben Vance


Fine arts and computer science