Little, white girl who has never owned slaves

Kristal Warnke

In response to Curtis Carver, for your information I am a little, white girl and no, I have never been to a plantation and my relatives have never been the owner of slaves.

Surprise! Don’t blame me for what people in the past have done. If you haven’t noticed it’s the year 2000. I think it’s ridiculous for you to think that you are being oppressed by all of the white people of the world.

Do you even know what the word “oppress” means? It means to persecute or subjugate by force. Who is persecuting you and what exactly do you think you are being forced to do?

In my 20 years of existence I have never done anything to oppress you. Your inadequacies in life have nothing to do with me, or any of the other white people at Iowa State University. No one is trying to oppress you.

How can you be so racist? To blame all problems on me because I am white. When you say white people you are singling out every white person and blaming him/her for your problems. If anyone is like Hitler it is you. White people are to blame for all your problems. So lets kill all the white people. They are all evil corrupt and rich. Creating a super race of black people would be a great idea, because we know that all the problems of the world come from white people. So if there where no white people, no one would have any problems.

I guess I’m willing to live in a concentration camp so the world can be a better place. It seems like a small price to pay. If you hadn’t noticed I’m being quite sarcastic. Don’t blame me, a white person, for all of your problems in life. So in conclusion, wake up. You are not a slave and no one is forcing you to do anything. I think we should all take a step forward. Don’t blame the people of today for the mistakes of others. See people for who they are, not the color of their skin. Look at yourself when you want to place blame for your problems in life, instead of blaming a group of people, most of which you have never even met.

Kristal Warnke

