Whites aren’t the only racists

Matt Boyle

I realize in writing this I will almost assuredly be labeled a racist but I think this is something that needs to be said. First and foremost I want to make it known that I do not agree with Woell ,in that I think there is racism and oppression rampant in the world. But I hope Curtis Carver’s letter made it apparent that whites aren’t the only people that are racist.

First, let’s see if we can all agree on what exactly racism is. To me it’s pretty much holding prejudices or discriminating merely on the basis of race. So yes, white men holding slaves 150 years ago were racist and wrong. But what I don’t realize is how I have a debt to pay because maybe, just maybe, my great-great-great uncle’s best friend had a brother whose girlfriend’s family owned slaves.

By this logic I should hate my grandfather because he’s mostly German and I’m partly Polish, you know, since he is German and all Germans hate and kill Polish people (this was proven in World War II, all of Germany wants to exterminate all non-Germans).

Another thing I don’t get is how Curtis Carver can say things like “Everywhere the white man goes he brings hypocrisy and turmoil,” and “there would be no need for a white man’s help if we weren’t berated because of his evil ways,” and then turn around stereotyping and discriminating against someone because the color of their skin is wrong. I know not every African-American thinks this way, but obviously some do.

Granted there have been many lynchings, and rapes and beatings that have taken place against blacks, but I don’t commit these acts, nor do I condone them. So why am I categorized with the people that do? Merely because I too, am white? Sounds mildly racist to me.

People want race relations to get better, yet no one is willing to take the first step. There are a lot of black-hating whites out there, but there also a lot of white-hating blacks. Don’t try to tell me there aren’t because I’ve met some of them. And don’t tell me that because someone’s great-great grandfather was a slave gives him a good reason to hate all white people. It’s an excuse to cover up the fact that he’s racist. Hating someone based on the color of their skin is racist, whether they be black, white, yellow, brown or anywhere in between.

So if people want this to get better, everybody has to drop the pretenses. Get over it. I’m not saying forget the past, just stop blaming me for it because I had nothing to do with it. It’s not up to just whites, it’s not up to just blacks. This is everybody’s problem, so everybody has to do something about it. Quit looking for a scapegoat.

Matt Boyle

