High school students to hang out with Cy

Kristen Ehlers

Junior high and high school students from across the state will get a sneak peek of Iowa State this weekend.

Sponsored by Veishea 2000, around 210 students will be hanging out with Cy at the Junior and Senior High Program Day Friday.

Justin Hattan, community outreach co-chair, said this is a great way to introduce students to campus.

“[Program day] is a large component of getting people involved,” Hattan said. “We’ll be bringing almost 1,000 students and their parents to campus.”

The program begins at 9 a.m. with Veishea float tours. At 10 a.m. there will be a special Stars Over Veishea performance of “Into The Woods.”

“This is the first year where they’ve held a matinee performance for the students,” said Hattan, senior in economics and political science.

At 12:30 p.m., students will eat lunch with Cy at the Lied Recreation Center. After lunch, they will watch a presentation by the ISU Dance Team and get a chance to learn some of the moves.

Elementary children are also participating in Veishea events. There will be a coloring contest in the surrounding elementary schools and pictures are to be turned in under Cy’s Big Top on central campus.

The ISU men’s and women’s basketball teams also will be there signing autographs for kids.

“We encourage parents to bring their kids by Cy’s Big Top so they can participate in some of the events, like face painting, the dunk tank, ring toss and darts,” Hattan said.

This event, which committee members started planning in November of last year, has been held for several years.

Barbie Norman, junior high programming co-chair, said a letter was sent to all of the junior high and high schools in Iowa inviting the students to participate.

“We are very excited that so many schools are participating,” said Norman, sophomore in elementary education. “This is our chance to show these kids what Iowa State and Veishea has to offer.”

Jennifer Fritz, senior high programming co-chair, said the event is beneficial for both Iowa State and the visiting students.

“This program gives Veishea the opportunity to recruit high school students to Iowa State,” said Fritz, sophomore in chemical engineering. “It shows them some of the events they can look forward to if they choose to come here.”