Dr. Jischke’s conflict

Monica Willemsen

To the editor:

I was insulted by President Jischke’s statement that his position on the board of directors of Banker’s Trust presents no conflict of interests.

Clearly, Dr. Jischke is assuming the entire ISU community is not sufficiently intelligent to recognize his response does not actually address the issue. His arguments for why there is no conflict are his participation on the board is a matter of public record: He chooses not to participate in Bankers Trust decisions related to Iowa State, and decisions about ISU accounts are not made by him.

While these claims may be true, they do not answer the conflict of interest charge. A conflict of interest is a conflict between the private interests and the public obligations of a person in an official position. A conflict of interest is inherent in such a situation, regardless of the intentions or actions of the individual. It does not automatically imply any wrongdoing. The conflict of interest pointed out by the “call to” Web site is not affected by any precautions Dr. Jischke assures us he takes.

If I were to initiate a sexual relationship with a student, there would be a conflict of interest.

And if argued there is no conflict because I have developed an elaborate mechanism to insure fairness, my department head would laugh in my face and tell me I must postpone the relationship or transfer the student to another TA’s section.

Dr. Jischke wants us to trust his ability to manage this situation. Well, Dr. Jischke, I do not trust you, and I am offended by your implicit suggestion that because of your vast wisdom that far transcends that of your humble subjects, you deserve special freedom the rest of us are denied.

Monica Willemsen

