Sarcasm alert: AIDS plague

David Douglas

To the editor:

Steps need to be taken immediately to reclassify AIDS as an HSTD.

Right now, AIDS is considered an STD, or a “sexually transmitted disease.” That means that it is primarily spread through sexual contact with another person.

Everyone knows that AIDS is actually a plague sent to destroy homosexuals for their sinful life style. That is why we need to reclassify AIDS as an HSTD, a homosexually transmitted disease. At this very moment, heterosexual couples could be catching AIDS because of this faulty definition.

To allow AIDS to affect anyone that is simply trying to have normal heterosexual sex is not right. By reclassifying the virus, we can get it back to targeting those it was intended to target, the evil homosexuals.

Of course, this is only the first step. We need to also change its methods of transfer, I mean, it is wrong for people to catch it through blood transfusions or shared drug needles.

Instead it should be transferred through touching homosexuals. If that catches a couple of heterosexuals by accident, that is their fault for coming in contact with those homos anyway. This would make it harder to beat sense into the homosexuals, but no cure is perfect.

Contact your congressman, get your KKK group organized to support the movement, burn your state flag for their failure to comply.

With your help, we can get AIDS aimed back at those homosexuals and away from us pure Christian, American heterosexuals.

David Douglas


Computer engineering