Chinese rights limited

Scott Borre

To the editor:

I am writing in response to a letter to the editor from Wang Bing-Bing. I question his views on rights. I’ll give that you have the right to vote although you really only have one person to vote for.

As for China not being a violator of human rights, I think you need to reexamine that opinion.

First, the United States has not been punishing China for violations of civil rights for a simple reason: money. The U.S. economy benefits greatly from trading with China.

If human rights violations are not occurring, then why has the U.S. government been consistently pushing China to stop violating human rights? Wait, I forget, practicing infanticide on female babies is not a violation of human rights. Tibetans, need I say more?

Well, maybe I should inform the Chinese of something: Anytime you deny people the freedom of religion, you are denying them a human right. It is sad that there are so many other nations that do the same thing.

Scott Borre


Political science