Why did three guys get their panties in a bunch?

Mark Forbis

To the editor:

I’m not sure I understand why three guys would get their panties in a bunch over a picture of two guys kissing and write a letter to the editor to whine about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender “in-your-face” attitude.

Doesn’t that seem like an excessive amount of huffiness over one lousy picture? Think about it, guys.

If I wrote a letter to the editor every time I saw a picture of a male and a female kissing, blatantly shoving their straightness in my queer face, I’d be pretty busy.

In fact, I’d have to quit my job just to write letters if you added in all the times I’ve seen straight people kissing each other while out in public. Let’s face it, you straight people kiss everywhere: in bars, in movie theater lines, even in church!

But I don’t let it bother me. Why should I? So why does one lousy picture bother you?

Mark Forbis

Library assistant

ISU Library