Since when do they clean the sidewalks?

Nick Johnson

To the editor:

I just wanted to comment on the sidewalk situation. This is the first time I’ve seen anyone clean up anything on campus. There has been plenty of chalkings before this Jischke scandal or whatever came out. Why is there a crusade to clean the sidewalk now? Why not before?

I do not want to give you the impression that I like seeing Web sites on the way to class, but I would rather see clean-up crews picking up all the stupid flyers around campus than driving around in a tractor with a 3,000 gallon pressure washer to clean up the chalk.

By the way, it’s my birthday this weekend. Do you care? Of course not. So why would I care if it is yours? I would understand if everyone on the campus knew you and you didn’t want to call everyone, but to let you in on a little secret, you and your friends are not that popular.

I’m getting sick of seeing week-old faded paper taped on the sidewalk. It makes the campus look trashy.

Nick Johnson


Mechanical engineering