No one made you God

Sarah Wheeler

To the editor:

This letter is in response to the three letters written in the Wednesday, April 5, Daily written by James Long, Mark Davis, Nathan Swanson, Peris Chamberlain, Kyle Mehmen, Matthew Schaefer and anyone else who has the same narrow-minded intelligence and lack of compassion that these six students have demonstrated to the Daily staff as well as the rest of the students who attend Iowa State.

What right do you guys have for criticizing the Daily and the people who write for it?ÿ

The Daily does not have a duty to serve just the majority of students, but all students.ÿThe Daily’s slogan is “Serving Iowa State University since 1890.”ÿ

Nowhere in that slogan does it say anything about the majority of Iowa State.ÿIt means all of Iowa State, no matter how small one specific group of people is. That is their duty, and they are doing a good job at it.

The “anti-gay” pamphlets, the people who handed them out, and people who think like the six of you have no place at Iowa State. This university should be one of understanding, compassion, loyalty to one another and, most of all, EQUALITY!

No one made you God! The Daily and other people should not have to think or act the way you do just because you say so.

I think what you are saying is despicable! The Daily had every right to print articles and pictures concerning Awareness Days 2000.

Just because the majority of students were not involved in it does not mean it should get any less coverage because the people who did participate in Awareness Days 2000 are still students and a part of Iowa State University!ÿ

There are many situations where the majority of Iowa State is not involved in some subject, but they still get coverage because that is what is right, and that is what is fair.

We should be proud of Iowa State’s diversity of students, and we should embrace it.ÿ

It is because of the evil thoughts that people like the six of you have that our country still lacks equality.ÿ

It is because of the thoughts of people like you that there are such evil and disgusting hate crimes going on in this country, and it makes me sick.

The Declaration of Independence states that “All men are created equal.”ÿ

Nowhere in that sentence does it say, “Except Jews or blacks or foreigners or homosexuals.” It says ALL are created EQUAL.

Our country and our university should be working past the ill thoughts of people like you.ÿThere is absolutely no place for it, and it is not wanted by others.

Shape up or shut-up!

Sarah Wheeler

